Table Columns
The table columns view in Querious is a user-friendly way of seeing and changing the column definitions in a database table.
NOTE: When changing column definitions (adding a column, deleting a column, or changing a column’s settings), your modifications are not saved to the database until you click on the “Apply” button.
Notes for table columns:
- To specify the length of a decimal column, separate the precision and scale values by a comma.
- In the Flags column for numerical column types, “u” is “unsigned”, and “z” is “zerofill”.
- To specify a NULL default value, uncheck “Not Null” and type “NULL” into the Default Value column.
- The Extra column contains miscellaneous bits of SQL, such as “ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP”.
- Columns can be rearranged and renamed.
To specify Set and Enum value lists:
- Select the Set or Enum column in the columns list.
- Click in the Values field below the columns list.
- Use the add and remove buttons in the popup window to add and remove values from the list.
- Click on “Done”