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Querious can export databases and tables to CSV, Tab, and SQL. The settings for CSV and Tab exporting can be tweaked to meet special requirements to enhance compatability with other programs, and there are numerous options for SQL.

General Exporting

  • Use File -> Export… or right-click on an item in the sidebar and select Export…
  • Select which format you are exporting to at the top of the export window

Exporting SQL

When exporting SQL, the SQL file that is created can contain the table content from multiple tables (in the form of INSERT statements). To pick which tables are included in the file, click on the checkbox next to each table in the Tables list. The CREATE statements for views, functions, procedures, triggers, and events in the database can also be exported. By selecting all of these objects, an sql file will be exported containing a faithful reproduction of the entire selected database.

From a Single Database

To focus on exporting just a single database or items within a single database, select the database from the popup. This is the default which occurs when right-clicking on a schema object in the sidebar and selecting Export….

Entire Server

You can export an “entire server” to an SQL file. First select Entire Server from the popup. Then, choose the individual databases and users to export.


Hover over any of the options to see the tooltip explanation of what the option does.

  • Use single transaction for export: This option sets the transaction isolation mode to REPEATABLE READ and sends a START TRANSACTION SQL statement to the server before dumping data. It is useful only with transactional tables such as InnoDB, because then it dumps the consistent state of the database at the time when START TRANSACTION was issued without blocking any applications. When using this option, you should keep in mind that only InnoDB tables are dumped in a consistent state. For example, any MyISAM or MEMORY tables dumped while using this option may still change state. This option is equivalent to --single-transaction in mysqlpump

  • Wrap inserts with locks: This option will write into the exported file a LOCK TABLES statement before the INSERT statements. It does not perform any locking on the tables during the export.

  • Disable keys / unique checks: This option will write into the exported file a ALTER TABLE … DISABLE KEYS statement before the INSERT statements for MyISAM tables, as well as setting the UNIQUE_CHECKS connection variable to 0 (off), before the INSERT statements for all tables.

  • Exported File Name: Click on Customize… in the bottom left of the window to create a default file name template based on attributes of the export, server, and time.

Exporting to CSV or Tab

When exporting a table to a CSV or Tab file, you can pick which individual columns to export to the file, what order the columns should appear in, and what header names the columns will use (if the file includes column headers in the first row).

  • Select CSV or Tab, and choose which table you are going to export

  • Next, select and drag the columns you want to export into the list labeled “Exported Columns”. You can rearrange the columns listed in “Exported Columns” to change the order in which they appear in the file.

  • Next, you can double-click on and edit the listed names under “Exported Column Names” to change the column headers in the file.